I came across these photos the other day on my computer. They are from my very first little show back in 2001. This is when I showed at Trolley Cottage Gallery and painted in Watercolor.
The painting in the top left corner with the cow jumping over the moon was the first painting I ever sold. A man bought it for his granddaughter for $600. Finding these photos gave me such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to be where I am now. These photos were taken before I had my youngest daughter Eve. So I took some time off and did not re-enter the art scene until the fall of 2003 at A Gallery. I am grateful to Brent Godfrey for the potential he saw in my work. Brent is the reason I started to paint with oils in the spring of 2003. I am so grateful for every step I took and every door that was opened along my way. My ex-husband Jared was very supportive and watched our tiny girls at night so I could paint. Just want to say thank you to all of you who support me as an artist. I feel truly fortunate to be so passionate about "my job" if you can call it that. I know that my prices have gone up and I make a conscious effort to paint some smaller pieces in order to keep my work accessible. I know that there are those of you who have sacrificed and even made payments over time in order to aquire my work. I hear the stories and they mean a lot to me. Thank you!