Saturday, March 1, 2008

My show is now less than one week away. Often times people will ask me if it is hard for me to let go of my paintings and for the most part I always answer "no". This time however, I can't say that. This painting "Birds of a Feather" is one of my favorites. There is a special energy about this group of work for my spring show. I am feeling a little bit sad to see it go. The other day I had taken the majority of my paintings to be photographed and my studio felt empty, and a little lonely. I have felt so many things in the last months while I have been painting this work. It has come from a place deep within me and I do feel a personal connection to each piece. I want to thank Karen, Michelle, Susan, and Maridin for buying some of this work. Somehow it makes it a little easier to let go of these pieces knowing that they will be close by. I want to thank all of the people who have bought my work as well as those who continually encouraged me to keep painting.


Mel said...

Well, I can see why it would be hard to see these go; they are so amazing. I know that I always say that about your work but it is always true. I love that you are blogging so that I can see all of your wonderful paintings. I can't wait until the day when I can afford some. I hope all is well. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I just checked out the work for the show on your website. It is going to be a knockout show. I cant wait to see it in person. I feel lucky to own one off your paintings.

Jeff Hein

Elisiana Alves said...
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